Friday, November 11, 2016

I disparately need help: How can I put research in the right path, which ended up in a wrong path due to mistakes committed 50 years ago?

Dear Friends,

The biggest mistake in the history of science (committed by researchers) was relying on untested and unproven flawed myth (i.e. the Earth is static) for understanding the reality about nature. Exposing this error led to the greatest scientific revolution in the history of mankind, but many great researchers had to endure huge pain and suffering during 16th and early 17th century for exposing this error. Researchers learned many valuable lesson (from to the pain and suffering) that relying on a flawed myth diverts research efforts into a wrong path.

The scientific methods were formulated and formalized (e.g. by major players in the scientific revolution Galileo, Descartes etc.) in the 17th century in the light (i.e. firsthand experience) of pain and suffering endured for exposing the error (at the root of the infamous scientific crisis due to then prevailing geocentric paradox) to prevent the repeat of this kind of error at any cost. This kind of errors side track research efforts into a wrong path, hence must be avoided at any cost:

There is no exception to this rule: Research efforts of any scientific discipline ends up in a wrong path, if researchers started relying on a fundamentally flawed assumption/myths. If the research effort are invested for advancing by accumulating scientific or theoretical BoK (Body of Knowledge) in such a wrong path (without detecting the error), the accumulated BoK (e.g. retrograde motions and epicycles) fundamentally alters the perception of reality of researches and resulting in a paradoxical paradigm and deeply entrenched conventional wisdom (which is in clear contradiction to the objective reality).

            For example, the untested and unproven flawed assumption (i.e. the Earth is static) led the research efforts into a wrong path about 2000 years ago. The research effort are invested for advancing or accumulating scientific or theoretical BoK (Body of Knowledge) in such a wrong path (without detecting the error) for about 1500 years that resulted in accumulation of the BoK (e.g. retrograde motions and epicycles), which fundamentally alters the perception of reality of researches and resulting in geocentric paradoxical paradigm and deeply entrenched conventional wisdom (which is in clear contradiction to the objective reality – Existing BoK for heliocentric paradigm). It altered the perception of reality so mush so, in the 16th & early 17th century saying anything that contradicted the myth (i.e. Earth is static) offended commonsense. For example, researchers even felt insulted by the truth and many of them viciously attacked anyone (e.g. Galilio and Giordano Bruno) tried to expose the Truth.

            We all assume this kind of thing could never happen in the 21st century. Unfortunately software researches repeated exactly this kind of mistake 50 years ago, which diverted research efforts into a wrong path. The research effort are invested for advancing or accumulating scientific or theoretical BoK (Body of Knowledge) in such a wrong path (without detecting the error) for about 50 years that resulted in accumulation of the BoK, which fundamentally alters the perception of reality of researches and resulting in existing CBSD paradoxical paradigm and deeply entrenched conventional wisdom (which is in clear contradiction to the objective reality – the real CBD).

Many times more research effort has been invested in accumulating many times more elaborate BoK for existing CBSD paradoxical paradigm during past 50 years than the research effort invested for 1500 years for in accumulating BoK for geocentric paradoxical paradigm. The shocking fact is, the researchers even in the 21st century feel offended by the Truth (if the Truth contradicts their unproven flawed myths) and reacting no differently that the research community in the 16th and early 17th century.

Is it hard to understand that it is wrong to rely on untested and unproven myths for advancing our knowledge and understanding by accumulating and expanding BoK (body of Knowledge)? Is it hard to understand that relying on flawed myth diverts their research efforts into a wrong path, which certainly leads to a paradoxical paradigm, if the BoK were expanded for long enough period without realizing the error?

Is it acceptable, if any researcher in 21st century feel offended by the Truth (that contradict their altered perception of reality) and resort to personal attacks or unethical tactics to humiliate anyone trying to expose the error? The 50 years old assumptions (e.g. unproven prejudice) and definitions (e.g. for so called software components) at the root of software engineering in general and CBSD in particular fundamentally flawed, which diverted research efforts into a wrong path. The software researchers have been accumulating and expanding the BoK in the wrong path for past 50 years (without realizing the error), which resulted in the existing CBSD paradoxical paradigm and altered perception of reality.

There is only one right path for any scientific discipline such as physics, which must go through flawless facts such as “the Sun is at the center”, universal gravity, Newton’s three of motion and many other proven scientific discoveries and accepted theories during past few centuries. If there is any accepted theories have errors and relying on such theory diverts research efforts into a wrong path. Mankind’s scientific and technological progress ends up in a crisis, if the research efforts persistent in the wrong path for long enough (without realizing the error) and accumulated large enough BoK (Body of Knowledge) by relying on the flawed theory (or myths perceived to be facts).

Mankind cannot afford to repeat this kind of mistake again and again. One must endure huge pain and suffering, if he tries to expose such kind of errors (because the respected researchers and scientists even in the 21 century have been reacting no differently than the researchers in the dark ages of science 16th century and early 17th century). I have been enduring humiliating insults, snubbing and personal attacks, if I try hard to expose the mistakes in the theoretical foundation at the root of exiting software engineering paradigm in general and CBSD (Component Based Software Development) in particular.

I cannot give up this noble effort (despite humiliations and suffering inflicted by incompetent or fake scientists), because research efforts of tens of thousands of researchers have been already wasted for past few decades on the geocentric paradox of software engineering and if I fail, next generations of young software researchers continue to waste hard work and researcher efforts for many more decades in pursuit of fool’s errand (i.e. perfecting the retrograde motions and epicycles of the geocentric paradox of software engineering).

This mistake already cost trillions to world economy and would end up costing trillions more, if I fail. It is well known that computers in general and software in particular playing increasingly vital role in every aspect of mankind and particularly in accelerating the research efforts in every discipline of science and technology. Hence solving software crisis (by exposing the error) would have far researching implications in every scientific and technological progress (e.g. in the efforts of each and every researcher in this world sooner than later). So kindly help me in my noble effort, which certainly help progress in your discipline.

Best Regards,

Raju S Chiluvuri


  1. Dear Raju your analysis about software junk is correct. I will study your publications with growing interest and will try to get into your world for even better understanding and to connect your thougths with mine.


    Ad Vermijs (English version is being prepared)

  2. Dear Mr. Vermijs,

    Thank you. Very few software experts have courage and confidence to openly say what you said. Our field computer science has been on the wrong path for past 50 years. Almost no one publicly supported “the heliocentric reality” 400 years ago.

    I can’t believe, even in the 21st century software experts are scared to publicly support the objective reality of the CBD: and

    Isn’t it common sense that any research efforts ends up in wrong path, if it relies on fundamentally flawed myths such as “the Earth is static” and the nature and essence of CBD for software is using reusable and/or standardized software components (without any basis in reality or facts, but in fact in clear contradiction to the reality: )?

    Best Regards,
    Raju S Chiluvuri

  3. Dear Friends,

    Let me paraphrase noted philosopher Bertrand Russell’s famous quote: “The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves (i.e. about their myth ‘the Earth is static’), and wiser people so full of doubts (i.e. about the truth ‘the Sun is at the center’).” Likewise, today the wiser people are so full of doubts about the objective reality such as irrefutable facts about the nature and essence of the CBD. But the fools and fanatics are so certain that the CBD is using fake software components, where each kind of so called software components are by definition a kind of software parts either having a given useful properties (e.g. reusable or standardized) or conforming to so called component models.

    Existing definitions for so called software components have no basis in reality (in fact are clear contradiction to the known objective reality), but rooted in 50 years old myths based on wishful thinking, such as utopian fantasy of building software by assembling reusable and/or standardized COTS (Commercially off the Shelf) components (analogues to how computer makers design and build computers by assembling COTS component from 3rd party component vendors).

    The geocentric model evolved for centuries by accumulating many pieces of knowledge for expanding the BoK (Body of Knowledge), which was filled with thousands of concepts and observations of retrograde motions and epicycles). This kind of flawed BoK also shaped the mankind’s flawed perception of reality (that we now know was in clear contradiction to the objective reality). Likewise, exiting BoK for software engineering and CBSD have been accumulating countless pieces of knowledge for expanding the BoK (e.g. comprising tens of thousands of published research papers and thousands of books printed world over since 1970s about so called software components), which also shaped the existing flawed perception of reality about the CBD (that is in clear contradiction to the objective reality and known facts about the real CBD).

    It is a fool’s errand to invest research efforts on the geocentric paradox of software engineering. I am only requesting wiser people to investigate the objective reality and irrefutable facts for discovering the right path. Kindly never forget that your existing perception of so called CBD/components have been shaped by flawed BOK rooted in 50 years old flawed myths. If wise experts don’t stand up for the Truth, it is impossible to put research efforts on the right path. Our beloved computer science could never invent solutions for many outstanding problems such as infamous software crisis or real machine intelligence (or real Artificial Intelligence). The solutions for many such problems will be in plain sight once the research efforts are directed in to the right path.

    Best Regards,
    Raju S Chiluvuri
